Reference: Black JJ, et al. (2018) Utp14 interaction with the small subunit processome. RNA 24(9):1214-1228

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The SSU processome (sometimes referred to as 90S) is an early stable intermediate in the small ribosomal subunit biogenesis pathway of eukaryotes. Progression of the SSU processome to a pre-40S particle requires a large-scale compaction of the RNA and release of many biogenesis factors. The U3 snoRNA is a primary component of the SSU processome and hybridizes to the rRNA at multiple locations to organize the structure of the SSU processome. Thus, release of U3 is a prerequisite for the transition to pre-40S. Our laboratory proposed that the RNA helicase Dhr1 plays a crucial role in the transition by unwinding U3 and that this activity is controlled by the SSU processome protein Utp14. How Utp14 times the activation of Dhr1 is an open question. Despite being highly conserved, Utp14 contains no recognizable domains, and how Utp14 interacts with the SSU processome is not well characterized. Here, we used UV crosslinking and analysis of cDNA (CRAC) and yeast two-hybrid interaction to characterize how Utp14 interacts with the preribosome. Moreover, proteomic analysis of SSU particles lacking Utp14 revealed that the presence of Utp14 is needed for efficient recruitment of the RNA exosome. Our analysis positions Utp14 to be uniquely poised to communicate the status of assembly of the SSU processome to Dhr1 and possibly to the exosome as well.

Reference Type
Journal Article | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Black JJ, Wang Z, Goering LM, Johnson AW
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