Gene Ontology Help

Phosphatidylinositol transporter complex Overview

GO Annotations consist of four mandatory components: a gene product, a term from one of the three Gene Ontology (GO) controlled vocabularies (Molecular Function, Biological Process, and Cellular Component), a reference, and an evidence code.

Phosphatidylinositol transfer homodimer a lipid droplet-associated protein that inhibits lipid mobilization from these particles. May assist in shuttling sterols or their intermediates, between membranes or, alternatively, between sterol biosynthetic enzymes or complexes. Required for the resistance of yeast cells to azole antifungals.
GO Slim Terms

The yeast GO Slim terms are higher level terms that best represent the major S. cerevisiae biological processes, functions, and cellular components. The GO Slim terms listed here are the broader parent terms for the specific terms to which this gene product is annotated, and thus represent the more general processes, functions, and components in which it is involved.

lipid binding, lipid droplet, organelle, intracellular membraneless organelle